Insider’s tips for an easy-peasy relocation to Lausanne

Moving to Lausanne from abroad? You don’t need to be nervous, here are some tips from an insider!

Imagine that your company or university has already helped with the right visa and accommodation. Whas next? 


Once you arrive in Lausanne, you need to contact the Cantonal Office of Population and Migration to announce your arrival. Usually this procedure requires your personal presence in their office with all the necessary documents ready.  Employers and academic institutes are usually understanding and quite flexible on the hours  – sometimes this procedure could take half of a day. Once done, you will receive your permit by post.


Swiss postal services play a huge role in daily life. Official documents, banking notifications, invoices, fines – you name it – will be delivered to you by post. Make sure to check your post box regularly and pay invoices on time to avoid additional charges (each reminder sent will add up to your initial charge).


Make sure you open a local account. Banks usually have reasonable packages for students, young adults and families. The TWINT mobile payment app connected to your credit card will make cashless payments and life way easier. Also, mobile banking apps will allow you to scan payment slips to pay bills.

Phone subscription

Check Swisscom, Orange or other telecommunication providers for the mobile plan that best suits your needs.

Quality of life 

Lausanne is an academic city with lots of students, so you will have a great social life and lots of places to see. It is also the capital of the Olympics committee that accommodates sport events, marathons, etc. Lausanne has many museums, modern and old, and historical landmarks. Besides that, it is beautifully located between mountains and a lake that is inviting for a walk.


Lausanne is the only city in Switzerland that has a metro. It has only 2 lines and is very user-friendly… all you need is a travel card. This card will allow you to take any public transport within the city vicinity. If you live in the suburbs, before purchasing a card make sure to ask if your home is included in card zone coverage at the train station information booth where the staff will be happy to clarify your questions.

If you interested to explore Switzerland by train, you should ask about the day pass that allows you to travel between the cities for a very reasonable price compared to a regular ticket fare. Additionally, you will be able to travel by train to other countries (need to check covid restrictions before you go). You can also get to the neighbouring countries by bus like flixbus or by plane (easyJet used to have some very good deals).

Insiders tip – download the SBB app so you can keep track on the train schedule, delays or cancellations or even book your tickets directly.

Mental preparations

I understand you may feel overwhelmed about travelling for the first time without knowing anything about Lausanne, but you are not the only one! There are many expats living in Lausanne who have done it before and the local Swiss people are very kind and willing to help!

Fun fact: The first time I took a metro in Lausanne, I got off 2 stops after mine(!) and missed my first class at university).  I was just too mesmerized by the beauty of the lake and the mountains!

If you still have questions about the topic or would like to share your tips, leave a comment below. I would love to hear your feedback! 

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