Plastic Free July

Will you give up eating fish for “Plastic Free July”? You probably won’t, because you don’t know how our meal choices can contribute to plastic pollution in the oceans. Fair point, but let me share what I’ve learnt…

The impact of microplastics on marine life 

We are constantly reminded that we should swap plastic straws, throwaway cutlery and cotton ear buds for those which are reusable, invest in cloth shopping bags, refillable coffee mugs and water bottles, recycle, donate, or repurpose old things to avoid buying new. I 100% agree and am onboard to take on these actions in my everyday routine. 

But, did you know that we produce so much plastic, that despite our best efforts, “91% of plastic waste never gets recycled? Instead, plastics in the ocean break up into smaller and smaller pieces, eventually becoming microplastics so small the human eye can no longer see.

91% of plastic waste never gets recycled? Instead, plastics in the ocean break up into smaller and smaller pieces, eventually becoming microplastics so small the human eye can no longer see.

At least half of ocean plastic waste is not consumer plastics, which are central to much of the current debate, but fishing gear – purposely or accidentally lost, discarded, or abandoned fishing nets, ropes, fish aggregating devices, long lines, and plastic fishing crates and baskets.

Lost fishing nets, abandoned or discarded at sea – also known as “ghost nets” – can continue killing indiscriminately, entangling or suffocating countless fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, sea turtles, seals and marine birds every year. 

More than 90% of seabirds have plastic in their guts

More than 90% of seabirds have plastic in their guts, and researchers are predicting the ocean will contain more plastic than fish in weight by 2050 unless we act now.” Source: Sea Shepherd

If you care about marine conservation and would like to get involved, join me and try a fish-free month if you can, or share 'Plastic Free July' poster that I made to raise awareness among others! Also I would recommend you subscribe to the movement I share hereafter and learn more plastic-free ideas!

Download the tracker

The movement

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. To join the movement and get tips and tricks during July, enter your details here.

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