3 ghostly tales of West Hill Street

Nassau, Bahamas
west hill street

West Hill Street is one of the oldest streets in the Bahamas making it logical that a street with so much history would also be ripe with haunted tales and houses.  Locals believe that often the spirit of a person becomes trapped here on earth, maybe having suffered an untimely death, and now waiting for an opportunity to move on. Here are three skin-tingling stories that I learned about while walking along this very old street!

West Hill Street ghost

There are chilling accounts of a ghost who stands in the quiet moonlit street and taps his twisted walking cane in a troubled manner. Perhaps, his agitator resides in the graveyard located just a block away.

Haunted Mountbatten House 

The wide-eyed, troubled staff of the Heritage Museum in Mountbatten House tell multiple matching accounts of how each morning the drapes in the Speed Weak section would be closed.  Each morning the staff would open them and sure enough the next morning they would be closed again. They also talk of hearing footsteps and creaking noises in the building but could not find anyone there. They believe it is related to a still unsolved horrible murder that took place there.

The friendly ghost at Graycliff

 As a young schoolboy, Paolo Garzaroli recounts finding a terrified night security guard huddled underneath a bench early one morning. The shaking guard quit and said that he had seen a ghost during the night and that the spirit didn’t want him there.

A Graycliff wine steward returned to the restaurant wide-eyed and completely soaked with water after going to the wine cellar (once a cold, dark prison) to retrieve a requested bottle of wine. However, there was no water anywhere to be found, not on the floor or anywhere else! He recounts that he had touched the freezing cold ghost at Graycliff! In the restaurant, there have been several guests asking for an extra chair to be put to their tables for “The Ghost”.

Some hotel personnel would refuse to enter the Windsor guest suite as they are terrified of the ghost at Graycliff.

However, there are repeat guests who will only stay in this questionable suite because they have seen this ghost and feel some sort of friendship. They say that the Ghost is quite friendly and it is quite a pleasant experience! 

Another guest, while staying in the Woodes Rogers suite tells that the ghost, while communicating with her, threw her purse to the floor! 

Another male guest complained to a sympathetic receptionist that he had not been able to sleep the prior night and had multiple conversations with the ghost! Over the years, numerous guests report seeing or sensing a ghost at Graycliff with a “happy” spirit. 

Whether you are a big fan of “Ghost hunters” or just curious of any anomalous phenomena, book a night at the Graycliff Hotel on your next trip to the Bahamas!

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